Robert Oakden
Maintenance Director

Nashville Auto Diesel College


Meet Robert, a jack-of-all-trades known for 3 years of dedication to all things maintenance and IT at NCA. Rooted in his values and nurtured by a supportive family, Robert has quietly and consistently made improvements to the day to day life at NCA. He is a licensed home inspector and owns a home inspection business. With a genuine passion for problem solving, he has gained insights from experiences both inside and outside NCA, resulting in a well-rounded professional with a deep appreciation for balancing work and life/spiritual growth.

When Robert isn't answering help desk tickets, or fixing something at NCA he finds joy in serving the Lord.. Whether making music or simply spending quality time watching his son play sports, Robert’s humility and curiosity shine through. This blend of humility and exploration not only enhances his personal life, but also resonates positively in his contributions to NCA.