Dawn Todd
3rd Grade

Northland Baptist Bible College - Bachelor of Elementary Education


Dawn graduated from NBBC in 1994. Over the years Dawn has taught many grade levels. In her spare time she enjoys playing the piano and cooking for her family. Dawn is married to Ken and he has been a Pastor for 30 years. They enjoy doing ministry together and leading people in a deeper relationship with Jesus. They have 3 children. Jake is married to Gina and they live in Williamson, NY. David gets married to Brianna in October and they will live in Texas where David is a high performance diesel mechanic and Bri is an Occupational Therapist. Annie is a hair stylist at Pharaoh's Hairum in Henrietta. Ken and Dawn have 2 foreign exchange students that are currently in college but come home in the summer!

Dawn enjoys playing the piano and cooking for her friends and family. Dawn and her family love spending time together and loving on people!