Brooke Wessells
3rd Grade

Houghton College - Bachelor of Inclusive Childhood & Special Education


Brooke graduated in 2016 from Calvary Baptist Christian Academy in Meadville, PA. She attended Davis College for 2 years, studied Christian ministry and played basketball & volleyball. After her sophomore year the Lord opened a door for her to transferred to Houghton College where she pursued Inclusive Childhood Education and graduated in 2020, also playing volleyball & basketball. Throughout her college years Brooke saw that Lord's hand over her life and knew that He had plans that were far better than her own. In the 2021-2022 school year Brooke taught 5th grade at St Aloysius Regional School. In the summer of 2021 Brooke got engaged to her current husband, David, my husband owns Zeal Hitting Development. Once Brooke knew she would be moving to the Rochester area she became searching for Christian schools and stumbled upon Northstar Christian Academy.

If Brooke is not in the classroom she enjoys spending time with her family & friends, exercising, worshiping at church and watching crime shows & sitcoms. Brooke takes any opportunity to play basketball or volleyball. One day she hopes to be fluent in sign language.